Man Man
#B10112 China
24 Hours
Address :
Kowloon City, KLN  (Reservation)
Mandarin, Cantonese
Tel :
(Call sign needed)
( For making an appointment, please mention that “it is referred from 141!” for a better service )
Height :
5 ' 5 "
B/W/H :
34 C - 24.5 - 34.5
Time :
24 Hours
Service :
$300 HJ (30minutes)
$450 My cat (45minutes)
$500 HJ (60minutes)
$650 HJ (90minutes)
(welcome message fans)
(welcome appointments)
(welcome early visitors)
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Party A: called leasing platform service
This webpage mainly provides platform for Party B. Party A will never participate in the production and operation of Party B.
Party B: called the lessee
Party B edit their pictures/text by themselves using the APPS. Therefore, Party B need to responsible for all their upload data. It has nothing to do with Party A.
(Note: If Party A receives a complaint, it will be deleted without further notice.)
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